A Fan-Favorite MCU Hero Is Joining The Avengers to Save the Multiverse

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Avengers Forever #4. Jason Aaron has been penning the adventures of the Avengers for several years, and recently launched a spinoff series with Avengers Forever. The title introduces new heroes from across the multiverse as they assemble to stop the Multiversal Masters of Evil. So far in its first three issues fans have met Tony Stark, the Ant-Man, and new versions of Thing, Wonder Man, Moon Knight, and Vision. By the time Avengers Forever #4 comes to an end, Captain Carter, star of the What If… ? Disney+ animated series, joins the fight to save the multiverse.

Avengers Forever #4 by Jason Aaron, Jim Towe, Guru-eFX, and VC’s Cory Petit concludes it’s opening story arc. King Thor, a much older version of Thor from Aaron’s critically-acclaimed multi-year run on the God of Thunder, has summoned his granddaughters Atli, Ellisiv, and Frigg to help Earth-818’s Avengers. Those heroes, along with Earth-616’s Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider and a Deathlok sent from Avengers Prime, were prisoners of the Black Skull. A big fight broke out, with the Goddesses of Thunder entering the fray due to a portal opening between universes. However, during the battle Earth-818’s Moon Knight and Vision disappeared through one of the open portals. We catch up with them at the end of the issue, as even they look surprised at where they’ve found themselves.

The page tells us Moon Knight and Vision are at “the center of Infinity,” also known as the God Quarry and home to Avenger Prime. A character off-screen welcomes them to the team, but also reminds them that none of them can go back to their homes “until this war is won.” We then see Captain Carter standing tall next to a Hawkeye and a War Machine with Black Widow’s emblem on its chest and black-and-red colors on its armor.

Captain Carter was one of several multiversal heroes featured on the cover of Avengers Forever #1. She was also the center of What If… ?‘s first episode, where fans got to travel to a world where Peggy Carter took the super-soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers. Captain Carter returned later on in the first season as a member of the Guardians of the Multiverse. The team was brought together by The Watcher to help stop an Ultron-Vision hybrid from destroying all realities. Captain Carter also stars in a new solo series from Jamie McKelvie and Marika Cresta.

Marvel Studios producer Brad Winderbaum confirmed Captain Carter will appear in future seasons of What If… ?. “We realized, I think, early on in development as we were starting to get AC [Bradley’s] scripts and starting to look at the arc of the series that there was going to be a character that bubbled up and became more important,” Winderbaum said. “Not more important than the rest, but had a strong relationship with The Watcher, who is really our driving force behind the series, and that’s Captain Carter.”

Winderbaum then went on to confirm the team plans on revisiting Carter with every season of the show, because they feel she helps keep the tapestry of the multiverse together.

“And we realized as we started developing the second season that Captain Carter was going to be the character who we would revisit in every season and continue that adventure,” the producer added. “Obviously, we’re telling a story on a giant multiversal canvas so you never really know who’s going to pop up where and when. It’s very much an anthology, but there’s always opportunity for fun connections to be made.”

Make sure to let us know what you think of Avengers Forever #4 and Captain Carter’s appearance in the comments!


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