Attack on Titan Season 4 Finally Unleashes Annie and Reiner: Watch

Attack on Titan is one of those series you cannot hope to avoid anymore. The anime is not only one of the top shows in the industry, but it is taking over television, period. As its fourth season moves towards its finale, the show is wrapping up some major plots while satisfying requests from years ago. And thanks to its latest episode, fans were able to watch Reiner and Annie fight together once again.

The only difference now? Well, it seems fans this time were rooting for their battle. The two soldiers were made enemies during their last battles, but Annie and Reiner are looking more like heroes these days instead.

This scene right here ? #shingeki

As you can see above, Studio MAPPA put some intense work into the pair’s return. When Attack on Titan put out its latest episode this week, fans met up with Annie as worked with Reiner to secure a boat to Marley. The only vessel available was impounded by the Yeagerists, and Floch wanted to blow the whole thing up. So while Connie and Armin tried to stop that plan, these shifters took on Floch as a team.

Reiner and Annie not only proved they can still use ODM gear with ease, but they still do so with style. The pair were able to navigate the port simply enough before they popped up behind Floch silently. Reiner and Annie went on to unleash their Titans on the Yeagerists as planned, and this latest episode ends with Eren’s coup scrambling. After all, Eren is halfway across the sea now, and our heroes have several Titans on their side. And when it comes to fighting the Female Titan, well – there are few ways anyone could win.

What do you think about Reiner and Annie’s return to war? Did you ever expect to see them fight together again in Attack on Titan? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.


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