One of the most brutal anime series around is also a Netflix exclusive, with the anime adaptation of Baki The Grappler receiving a second season for its latest series in Baki Hanma. With the previous season seeing the son of Yujiro Hanma taking on and subsequently defeating, the brick wall known as Mr. Unchained, a new trailer has arrived that continues the cliffhanger of the previous installments that saw a powerful caveman named Pickle frozen in a block of ice, waiting to be freed.
While Baki Hanma is the current anime series that is airing on Netflix, the previous seasons were simply titled Baki and saw the young fighter and his friends tackling escaped inmates who were willing to do anything to win their battles. Before the anime hit Netflix, a forty-eight episode series from Studio Group TAC told the early days of Baki as he entered the world of fighting in an attempt to at first gain his father’s respect and then to avenge the death of his mother who died at the hands of the Ogre. Unfortunately, the early episodes have not found their way onto Netflix as of yet, but we’re crossing our fingers that the entirety of the franchise will be made available to fans.
The Official Twitter Account for Netflix Anime gave us the new trailer that features the caveman with fangs and claws who has some serious muscle to back up his status as the next big obstacle for Baki and his friends to fight in the upcoming second season of the anime series that has become one of Netflix’s biggest:
Baki Hanma Season 2 is in production! want to take a sneak peek?
?La temporada 2 de Baki Hanma ya est? en producci?n! ?Echemos un peque?o vistazo a lo que nos espera!
Currently, to help celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the franchise, Japan has erected an exhibit alongside a real-life recreation of the Iron Dome, one of the biggest locales within the anime series. With creator Keisuke Itagaki speaking at the event and the series even receiving its own liquor line in “Baki Sake”, it seems that the story of Baki Hanma is set to continue in both the anime and the manga for the foreseeable future.
Are you hyped for the return of the animated adventures of Baki The Grappler? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Baki.