The Summer 2022 anime season is fast approaching, and Sentai Filmworks has announced which of the new anime releases will be exclusively streaming with HIDIVE beginning this July! This year has seen some of the most densely packed anime seasons to date with just the Winter and Spring schedules alone, and the Summer lineup is looking to continue this trend in a pretty big way. There are a number of highly anticipated returns along with not only some big reboots, but some brand new adaptations hitting screens as well. But as the Summer quickly draws near, fans have been wondering where they will be able to catch certain shows.
Sentai Filmworks has announced the first new additions to their Summer 2022 anime lineup for HIDIVE. This includes the previously announced licensing of Made in Abyss: Golden City of the Scorching Sun (the much anticipated second season of the highly anticipated series), the new rebooted take on Tokyo Mew Mew, Tokyo Mew Mew New (which has been confirmed to be a HIDIVE exclusive), the anime adaptation of Kotoyama’s manga series, Call of the Night (another confirmed HIDIVE exclusive) and the fourth season of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
These four additions to HIDIVE’s Summer 2022 lineup include some pretty big returns along with two major debuts this Summer, so fans will need to adjust their schedules accordingly to tune into each simulcast alongside their debuts in Japan. Only two of these series have confirmed release dates as of this writing, however, as Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? is currently scheduled to premiere on July 22nd and Tokyo Mew Mew New scheduled to kick off beginning on July 6th.
With the Summer season fast approaching it’s highly likely Sentai Filmworks will add even more new series to their lineup, and this lineup with share its concrete release dates in the coming weeks as well. But this also means that it’s going to be tough to pick which ones to stick with this time around! What do you think? Which of HIDIVE’s new Summer offerings is grabbing your attention the most for now? Which new anime are you most excited to see? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!