Mass Effect Legendary Edition Cheapest Price Yet for Charity

Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been out for a while, yet it’s hard to ever find for cheaper than $30. That said, the game is now available via EA Play, which means it’s available via Xbox Game Pass, so this could change going forward. Perhaps ushering in this change is its new price via Humble Bundle, which has included the remastered trilogy in its Humble Choice bundle for $12. In other words, you can get the game, and other titles, for just $12. An added bonus is five percent of your subscription goes to charity, or more specifically, Lotus Outreach International.

The bundle its entirety includes Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, Desperados III, The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan, Police Stories, Red Solstice 2: Survivors, Nebuchadnezzar, and Evan’s Remains. The only catch is that while all of these games redeem through Steam, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition actually redeems through Origin.

? March Choice is here ?

? Kapow varmints in Desperados III
? Write Shepard’s story in Mass Effect Legendary Edition
? Scrap with Spongebob in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
? Plus more BIG titles!

Become a member and ? PLAY NOW ?


It’s important to note that this offer is available through a subscription service that if you don’t cancel will charge your payment method every month.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available not only on the PC, but the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X. For more coverage on all things Mass Effect, click here.

“Remasters are a dime a dozen nowadays, and more often than not, I find that most of them aren’t done very well. Simply bringing a game forward and upgrading the resolution to 4K for any title often isn’t enough to impress me,” reads a snippet from our review of the game. “Fortunately, Mass Effect Legendary Edition does not fall into this category. BioWare has done quite a bit here to make this beloved series more accessible than it has been in quite some time, especially when it comes to the visuals. Whether you’re looking to play through the trilogy for your tenth time or you’re finally looking to give the series a shot for the first time, Mass Effect Legendary Edition is absolutely the way in which you should experience all three games moving forward.”


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