My Hero Academia is set to take the world of anime by storm once again this fall, with the arrival of season six of the series from Studio Bones which will adapt the devastating battle of the War Arc. With heroes and villains set to be a part of their biggest brawl to date, fans of the Shonen franchise from Kohei Horikoshi are taking the chance to discuss the greatest moments of Izuku Midoriya, the young protagonist who inherited the power of One For All and has changed by leaps and bounds since first landing on the scene.
Deku himself is in a very different place from the fifth season of the anime to the current events of My Hero Academia’s manga, with Midoriya having mastered the power of One For All to a wild degree. Twitter User CheesierKarma70 got the ball rolling on this latest discussion, focusing on both the manga and anime alike, showing how the young Midoriya has changed astronomically over the years in both mastery of his Quirk and commitment to his friends:
What was your favorite Deku Moment(s)?#MyHeroAcademia #Deku
What is your favorite moment in the history of Midoriya? Do you think that Deku will ultimately survive the battle against All For One in the grand finale of My Hero Academia? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of UA Academy.
This one right here ?
So many for me but I’d have to go with my all time favorite MHA ch 305
Deku vs Muscular was the peak of his characther.
Deku literally changed Kota’s life. He changed his view on heroes.
He became his hero.
IMO if we ever get a sequel series on the next generation, Kota should be the protag.
This shit was lit in the theater; first MHA movie I saw was the most recent one
When Deku tries to save Kacchan even if he was quirkless.. He just saved the kid who told him to die ?
His fight against shiggy in the war
It ain’t special but I’ve always loved this scene
Deku coming in to finish what Lemillion started is a personal fav, one that kind of gets lost in all the craziness that follows.