Peacock has announced the voice cast for In the Know, a new stop-motion animated comedy created and executive produced by Zach Woods and Mike Judge, with The Office creator Greg Daniels on as an executive producer. While we already knew that Woods and Judge would star in the series themselves, today came an announcement for the rest of the series regulars, including Percy Jackson and the Olympians star Charlie Bushnell. The new cast includes Caitlin Reilly (Loot, Hacks), Charlie Bushnell (Diary of a Future President, Percy Jackson and The Olympians), J. Smith-Cameron (Succession, Rectify), and Carl Tart (Grand Crew) have been cast to voice the streamer’s first adult animated comedy In the Know.
Here’s how Peacock describes the series: “Lauren Caspian is NPR’s third most popular host. He’s a well-meaning, hypocritical nimrod, just like you and me. He’s also a stop motion puppet. Each episode follows the making of an episode of Lauren’s show In the Know, in which Lauren conducts in-depth interviews with real world human guests. Lauren collaborates with a diverse crew of NPR staff. They are also puppets and nimrods.”
Here’s who the actors will play, and brief character descriptions, according to Peacock:
ZACH WOODS (Silicon Valley, The Office) will voice “Lauren Caspian,” host of the “In The Know” radio program.
CAITLIN REILLY (Loot, Hacks) will voice “Fabian,” researcher and fact checker.
CHARLIE BUSHNELL (Diary of a Future President, Percy Jackson and The Olympians) will voice “Chase,” college intern.
J. SMITH-CAMERON (Succession, Rectify) will voice “Barb,” co-executive producer of “In The Know.”
CARL TART (Grand Crew) will voice “Carl,” sound engineer.
MIKE JUDGE (Beavis and Butt-Head, Silicon Valley, King of the Hill) will voice “Sandy,” culture critic.
Mike Judge (Beavis and Butt-Head, Silicon Valley, King of the Hill), Zach Woods (Silicon Valley, The Office) and Brandon Gardner will co-create and executive produce. Judge and Woods will both star. Alongside Judge, Greg Daniels (The Office) and Dustin Davis executive produce for Bandera Entertainment in addition to Alexander Bulkley and Corey Campodonico for Shadowmachine. The series comes from studio Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group, and executive producers Bandera Entertainment and Shadowmachine.
Judge is a busy guy lately: in addition to the return of Beavis and Butt-Head, now branded Mike Judge’s Beavis and Butt-Head, at Paramount+, Hulu recently confirmed long-standing rumors that they will revive King of the Hill.