The Batman R-Rated Cut Doesn't Exist Director Confirms

By Adam Barnhardt
The version of The Batman set to hit theaters next month has been rated PG-13, and fans hoping for a darker version are out of luck. According to Batman helmer Matt Reeves, no “R-rated” cut of the film exists. The director says that at no point was an R-rating under consideration and it’s always been the plan to make the film an “edgy” PG-13-style caped flick.
“In my mind, the movie was always going to be a gritty, edgy, noir, thrilling spectacle that was PG-13,” Reeves said in an interview with Den of Geek. “That was always what it was, but I always knew that we’d be pushing the limits of what that could be, and so we didn’t really have to cut anything. The promotional materials that you’re seeing, they’re fully reflective of the tone of the movie.”
To that, Reeves said he didn’t have to drastically cut various bits of the film.
“There isn’t some special cut of this movie where it’s like, ‘Oh yeah, here’s the R rating that you’ve been desperately wantin. I didn’t have to suddenly start drastically cutting the movie or anything like that,” Reeves added. “I’m happy we got the rating because I want people to be able to come to see the movie. But as far as people being excited about the tone that they’ve been seeing in the promotion materials, that is totally faithful for the tone of the movie.”
According to the MPA’s Classification and Ratings Administration, The Batman is rated PG-13 for “strong violent and disturbing content, drug content, strong language, and some suggestive material.”
The Batman will see Pattinson bringing about an entirely new take on the character, with a cast that also includes Colin Farrell as The Penguin, Paul Dano as The Riddler, Kravitz as Catwoman, John Turturro as Carmine Falcone, Peter Sarsgaard as Gil Colson, Jayme Lawson as Bella Real, Barry Keoghan as Officer Stanley Merkel, and Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth.
The Batman is currently set to be released on March 4th.
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