The Young Bucks Are Teasing a Long-Awaited Rematch With FTR

The Young Bucks will be making their return to Lucha Libre AAA on April 30 for the first of the company’s three scheduled Triplemania events this year. The pair are taking on Hijo Del Vikingo and Rey Fenix and took to Twitter to hype up the match while also promising that they’d be the AAA World Tag Team Champions heading into the show. Those titles currently belong to the Bucks’ rivals, FTR.

“Yes, we’re coming to Mexico on 4/30. Also, yes we plan on bringing the AAA Tag Team Titles with us. And lastly yes, we’re aware of who currently has them,” the Bucks’ Twitter bio read.

??? @youngbucks #TriplemaniaXXX

The Bucks and FTR had their long-awaited first match at the 2020 Full Gear pay-per-view, and while the build to the match was criticized the bout itself was praised for being a love letter to tag team wrestling. Matt and Nick won the AEW World Tag Team Championships in the process and would turn heel a few months later to align with Kenny Omega, Don Callis and The Good Brothers as the Super Elite. They’d hold the title until All Out 2021, but never crossed paths with Dax Harwood or Cash Wheeler again during their reign.

Speaking of FTR, the two beat The Lucha Brothers for the AAA Tag Titles on an episode of Dynamite last October. Penta and Fenix would turn around and beat FTR to retain the AEW tag titles a month later at Full Gear.

“It was really tough because here’s this match people said was never going to happen and it was built for four or five years,” Matt said in an interview with Inside The Ropes regarding the Bucks’ first match with FTR. “So everybody’s lofty expectations are already intimidating to you, and people expect so much out of everything. That’s probably one reason why people were criticizing the build because in their minds they built it up to be something different, something else. Right out of the gate I told Nick, ‘We’re in trouble because no matter how good this match is, it’s still not happening in front of 12,000 screaming fans. It’s going to be in front of 1,000 socially distanced fans wearing masks in an outdoor arena where the weather is usually bad. Everything [that] could possibly be working against us or impairing the experience of watching said match, it was playing against us.”


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