By Jenna Anderson
The fan-favorite DC duo Wonder Twins are officially getting their own movie. On Monday, The Hollywood Reporter confirmed that a Wonder Twins live-action feature following the characters is currently in the works, with the goal of it debuting on the HBO Max streaming service. Adam Sztykiel, who worked on the upcoming Black Adam movie and has previously worked on Due Date and Scoob!, is lined up to write and direct the project. The film will be produced by Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey of Temple Hill productions, which has produced hits such as the Twilight films and The Fault in Our Stars. This is just the latest DC movie that is in the works for an exclusive HBO Max debut, following Batgirl and Black Canary.
Wonder Twins would follow the alien siblings Zan and Jayna, twins from the planet Exxor, Zan has the ability to transform into any form of water, while Jayna can transform into any animal — powers that occur after the pair touch hands and say their iconic catchphrase “Wonder Twin powers, activate!” Together, the pair fight evil both by themselves and with heroes such as the Justice League, alongside their monkey sidekick named Gleek.
The Wonder Twins are perhaps best known from their debut in the Hanna-Barbera’s The All-New Super Friends Hour, and later being integrated into the pages of DC Comics with 1977’s Super Friends #7. While their lore is perhaps best established in the Super Friends era, the Wonder Twins have popped up occasionally in post-Crisis DC Comics canon, most notably in a 2019 comic miniseries written by Mark Russell with art by Stephen Byrne.
“What appealed to me about the Wonder Twins is that they’re sort of blank slates,” Russell told back in 2019. “Also that the powers are kind of underwhelming, so there’s not a lot of expectations placed on them. That freed me from having to tell the normal superhero stories where they’re going after Darkseid or they’re going after Doomsday or something. I can have them, because of their underwhelming nature of their powers, go after smaller scale stories. Trying to stop a vampire or, trying to or taking down this 50-year-old insect guy who’s long over the hill and is basically declining as a supervillian to obscurity.”
The pair have also appeared in multiple animated series, and were portrayed in live-action by David Gallagher and Allison Scagliotti on a Season 9 episode of Smallville. The characters have also been teased periodically within The CW’s Arrowverse, with an unrelated couple named Zay and Jayna appearing in a Season 1 episode of The Flash, and Gleek being teased at the end of the network’s “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover event.
What do you think of DC’s Wonder Twins getting an HBO Max movie? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
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