George Perez, Legendary Marvel and DC Artist, to Receive Hospice Care Due to Medical Issues

By Jenna Anderson
Legendary Marvel and DC Comics artist George Perez is reportedly enrolled within inpatient hospice care, following a string of serious medical issues. The update was revealed via a post on his Facebook page, which revealed that the decision for hospice care was made following issues with his gallbladder. This comes after a post from Perez late last year revealed that he has inoperable Stage 3 pancreatic cancer. Perez, who is known for his legendary stints on titles like Crisis on Infinite EarthsThe New Teen Titans, Wonder Woman, and JLA/Avengers, has been retired from comics since 2019.
Hi everyone, Last week George was in a lot of pain and we discovered it was due to an issue with his gallbladder….
“Hi everyone, last week George was in a lot of pain and we discovered it was due to an issue with his gallbladder, the post reads. “This caused a very serious infection. The decision was made to treat this using antibiotics and a tube to decompress the gallbladder. This went well and he has recovered from the infection. However, in the days following the drain occluded, causing pain and leakage. This was a huge quality of life issue. He was admitted back to the hospital on Sunday and the drain was replaced today. He feels much better. George, Carol and his care team have made the decision for George to be enrolled in inpatient hospice. This doesn’t mean death is imminent, it means he can spend his remaining time with his friiends and family and his wife can spend this time just being with him. This is a joy for them both.”
“To all who have sent well wishes and kind sentiments, George would like to express his sincerest and most heartfelt thanks,” the post continues. “To those of you who have sent me letters through my email, George has and is receiving them. This is a time during which I ask you to please respect the privacy of George and his wife. If you need to reach out, I remain available. At George’s direction, I will continue to provide updates. Again, thank you all for making George’s life so incredibly enriched. All of you are a testament to a life well lived and he is SO grateful. Thank you all so much.”
Perez previously revealed his Stage 3 cancer diagnosis in December of last year, with his “estimated life expectancy” seemingly between six months to a year.
“I have been given the option of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, but after weighing all the variables and assessing just how much of my remaining days would be eaten up by doctor visits, treatments, hospital stays, and dealing with the often stressful and frustrating bureaucracy of the medical system, I’ve opted to just let nature take its course and I will enjoy whatever time I have left as fully as possibly with my beautiful wife of over 40 years, my family, friends, and my fans,” Perez wrote at the time.
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