Prime Video’s upcoming The Boys spinoff series has lost two of its original cast members. On Thursday, it was announced that Aimee Carrero and Shane Paul McGhie have departed from the currently-untitled series, which centers around attendees of a college for young-adult superheroes. Carrero, in particular, has reportedly joined the cast of The Consultant, another Prime Video series which is led by Christoph Waltz and Nat Wolff. Both roles are expected to be recast, and reports indicate that McGhie could possibly portray another character in the series’ universe at a future state.
According to the reporting, there were multiple reasons as to why Carrero and McGhie exited the series. This included the long process it took to get the series in production, with the project being in development for over a year and a half, and both actors having been publicly attached for over a year. There’s also the fact that the project has gotten new showrunners, Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters, since being given a series order, with McGhie’s character, in particular, reportedly changing significantly.
The spinoff is described as an irreverent, R-rated show that explores the lives of hormonal, competitive Supes as they put their physical, sexual, and moral boundaries to the test, competing for the best contracts in the best cities. The cast for the series also includes Maddie Phillips, Lizzie Broadway, Reina Hardesty, and Jax Sinclair.
“We’re writing furiously,” The Boys creator Eric Kripke, who executive produces the spinoff series, revealed to The Hollywood Reporter in an interview last year. “I think it’s coming along really great. It’s exciting in that sort of perverted Marvel way — in the way that different Marvel projects are very different: One’s a thriller, one’s a comedy. This feels like that, too, but with a ton more d-ck jokes.”
“I would say it’s loosely inspired by an element of the comics, which is the G-Men. Part of the G-Men is there’s sort of an educational, college experience,” Kripke previously said while speaking with TheWrap. “And we just used that as a jumping-off point, kind of similar to ‘The Boys,’ where we sort of take an initial notion and then we are going to run with it in our own weird direction. We were just talking and we stumbled onto this idea and we were so excited about it, we took it to Amazon.”
What do you think of the latest update surrounding The Boys‘ spinoff series? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
h/t: Deadline